t h e   F o r m i d a b l e   F o r c e

Combining the best music: Live Jazz & DJ Grooves

Justin - DJ and drummer       Tim - guitar and PA       Leo - sax and  bookings

Sick of booking the DJ and the Band and the PA

s   e   p   a   r   a   t   e   l  y   !

The Formidable Force offer the complete package.
Three of Melbourne's grooviest musicians just upped the ante.

DJ   +    BAND   +   PA   =   1 call

For the first time,  your event can have the best of both worlds -
Groovy Live Jazz with Sax, Drums & Guitar PLUS Funky DJ beats.
The Formidable Force  provide all this together with PA and Lights
and accomplished personnel to operate them.

left to right

Tim Nikolsky
Audio visual professional and the fforce guitarist

Justin Dwyer
DJ in Europe and Australia and the fforce drummer

Leo Dale
Creator of many fine festival and corporate acts and the fforce sax player

e   fforce@qrelease.com

p   03   9318   7963

m   0411 224 536

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